IAS launches the Water and Sanitation Forum, a space for exchange of ideas and debate

The 2024 initiative will address Brazilian federal sanitation policy, arrangements for private participation and the water security and sanitation agenda in the municipal elections

(Fotos: Tuane Fernandes / IAS)
(Fotos: Tuane Fernandes / IAS)

To celebrate its five years of activity, the IAS – the Water and Sanitation Institute – held a meeting in São Paulo on June 25 to launch the Water and Sanitation Forum. More than 50 guests were present, including representatives of NGOs, foundations, public agencies and private companies. 

The Forum will be a permanent space for dialogue and exchange of ideas. In 2024, the Forum will address the management of federal sanitation policy by the federal government; various arrangements for expanding private participation in the provision of sanitation services, especially the privatization of Sabesp, the Water and Sewage Service Provider of the State of São Paulo; and the municipal agenda for water security and sanitation in the 2024 elections.

Marussia Whately (IAS), Henrique Silveira (Núcleo Ypykuéra), Marina Helou (Dep. Estaduial SP), Nabil Bonduki (arquiteto e urbanista) – (Fotos: Tuane Fernandes / IAS)

The Forum began with a panel discussion with the São Paulo state deputy Marina Helou, architect and urban planner Nabil Bonduki, and the general coordinator of the Núcleo Ypykuéra, Henrique Silveira. The meeting also featured a presentation of the results of the survey “The New 2024 Sanitation Chart.”.

The topics discussed at the meeting included sanitation in the context of the climate crisis, the importance of integrating sanitation with other issues on the urban agenda, and the strengthening of monitoring and social control instruments for the provision of sanitation services.

Over the next few months, the IAS will hold sectoral and thematic meetings to deepen the debate and develop proposals for the above agendas. The next in-person meeting of the Forum is scheduled to take place in November.

The Forum also has a newsletter, which will be sent out periodically.

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